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What Happens If My Balcony Fails The SB 721 Inspection?

What Happens If My Balcony Fails The SB 721 Inspection?​

Table of Contents

Understanding Inspection Outcomes

Consequences of Non-Compliance

The Path to Rectification

4. Improper Drainage: A Recipe for Disaster

California’s Senate Bill 721 (SB 721), a crucial piece of legislation aimed at enhancing balcony safety, mandates regular inspections of exterior elevated elements (EEEs) in multi-family buildings. While compliance is essential, the question often arises: What happens if a balcony fails the SB 721 inspection?

This guide will outline the potential outcomes of a failed inspection, the steps property owners can take to rectify the situation, and the importance of proactive compliance to avoid costly consequences.

Understanding Inspection Outcomes

An SB 721 inspection is a thorough assessment of a balcony’s structural integrity, waterproofing, and overall safety. While the ideal outcome is a passing grade, inspectors can issue different findings that require varying degrees of action:

  • Non-Emergency Repairs Needed (NERR): This indicates that the balcony requires repairs but does not pose an immediate safety threat. Property owners are typically given a specific timeframe, often 120 days, to obtain permits and complete the necessary repairs.
  • Emergency Repairs Needed (ERR): This signifies a serious safety concern, requiring immediate action to mitigate risk. The balcony may be deemed unsafe for use and may need to be closed off to residents. Temporary support or shoring may be necessary, and repairs must be initiated within a shorter timeframe, usually 15-30 days.

Contact DrBalcony for a professional inspection!

Ensure the safety of your balcony and living space with DrBalcony - We're a Tech Engineering firm that specializes in California SB326 & SB721 balcony inspections.  Over 300+ completed projects in California.

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Consequences of Non-Compliance

Failing to comply with SB 721 can lead to a cascade of repercussions:

  • Fines: Local authorities can impose daily fines for non-compliance, which can quickly accumulate and become a significant financial burden.
  • Liability: If an accident occurs on a non-compliant balcony, property owners can face legal action and substantial liability costs.
  • Increased Insurance Premiums: Insurance companies may raise premiums or even deny coverage to properties with a history of non-compliance.
  • Reputation Damage: Negative publicity surrounding a failed inspection or balcony-related accident can tarnish the reputation of a property and its management, leading to difficulties in attracting and retaining tenants.

The Path to Rectification

If your balcony fails an SB 721 inspection, taking swift and decisive action is crucial. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Understand the Report: Carefully review the inspection report, noting the specific issues identified and the recommended repair timelines.
  2. Obtain Permits: If required, work with your local building department to obtain the necessary permits for repairs.
  3. Hire Qualified Professionals: Engage licensed contractors with experience in balcony repairs to address the issues identified in the inspection report.
  4. Schedule a Follow-Up Inspection: Once repairs are complete, schedule a follow-up inspection to verify compliance with SB 721 standards.

Partnering with Balcony Experts for Peace of Mind

While the initial inspection exemption for new construction is a welcome relief, partnering with a qualified balcony inspection company like DrBalcony is still a wise investment. We can help you develop a comprehensive maintenance plan to protect your balconies and ensure they remain safe and compliant with SB 721 for years to come.

Contact DrBalcony for a professional inspection!

Ensure the safety of your balcony and living space with DrBalcony - We're a Tech Engineering firm that specializes in California SB326 & SB721 balcony inspections.  Over 300+ completed projects in California.

Request A Free EstimateClick To Call

Contact us today to discuss your new construction project and learn how we can help you ensure long-term balcony safety and compliance.

FAQ Section: Top Questions & Answers

My property is well-maintained. Do I really need SB-326/SB-721 inspections?

YES! Even with excellent maintenance, hidden issues can develop due to construction errors, material flaws, or severe weather exposure. Inspections are about ensuring those don’t turn into major problems.

Our balconies were inspected a few years ago – isn't that enough?

Unfortunately, no. California laws mandate inspections on a set schedule, often every 6 years. Deterioration can happen quickly, making regular assessments essential.

Can I use my regular handyman for the balcony inspection?

It’s not recommended. Unless they hold specific licenses (architect, structural engineer, etc.) their inspection won’t be considered valid for SB-326/SB-721 compliance.

What if the inspection uncovers major issues?

First, don’t panic! Early detection often means less extensive (and expensive) repairs are needed. Work with your inspector to prioritize fixes, and explore if they offer repair services for a streamlined solution.

I'm worried about the cost of inspections. Are there any resources to help?

Start by getting detailed quotes from multiple companies. Factor in that proactive inspections help you avoid even bigger costs down the line due to neglected problems. Some property management associations offer guidance on budgeting for balcony compliance.


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